Privacy statement

I. Name and address of the responsible person and the data protection officer

The responsible person according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:

Katharina Kenklies
Weberstr. 14
21614 Buxtehude
+49 (0) 157 36 87 63 11

The operational data protection officer of Harene Press is available at said address.

II. Data processing in general

1. Scope of the processing of personal data

The processing of personal data is limited to data that is required to operate a functional website and for the provision of content and services. The processing of personal data of our users is based on the purposes agreed or on a legal basis (GDPR). We only collect personal data that is necessary to implement and process our tasks and services or if you provide data voluntarily. 

2. Your rights (rights of the persons affected)

You have the right to request information about any of your personal data we process. In particular, you have the right to request information about the purpose of the processing, the categories of personal data, the categories of recipients who will have access or were disclosed with your data, the duration periods for saving the personal data, whether there is a right to adjust/correct, erase, restrict or object, transmission of data, the source of your data if not collected through us and if we use automatic decision-making technologies including profiling.  

Additionally, you have the right to revoke a previously granted consent to use your personal data at any time. 

If you believe that the processing of your personal data is inconsistent or contradicts the applicable data protection laws you have the possibility to lodge a complaint with the data protection office. 

II. Description and scope of data processing

1. Provision of the website

Our system records data and information about the computer used by the user automatically and with every visit on our website.

The following data are collected:

    Information regarding the type and version of internet browser used to access the website

    Operating system

    Internet service provider

    IP address

    Date and time of each access

    Web page from which the user was redirected to our page

The data mentioned above are saved for a maximum time period of [specify] days. This storing is done due to security reasons to ensure the stability and integrity of our systems.

We use “Google Analytics” a web analysis client by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA to evaluate the usage of our website. Google Analytics uses cookies (see point 2) which will be stored on your computer. The containing information regarding website and internet usage can be evaluated and processed by Google. The collected data may be transmitted to countries outside the EU/EEA, especially to the USA. However, Google has committed to follow the Privacy Shield Framework agreement. Further information about your rights of said agreement is found here:

Additionally, we ensure that your IP address is anonymised before it is transmitted to Google. […to be completed]

Legal basis for the usage of Google Analytics is Article 6 (1) lett. f GDPR.

2. Cookies

We use cookies on our website to ensure a user-friendly experience. Cookies are small files that are managed by the user’s web browser and are directly stored on the respective device (Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone etc.) whenever you visit our website. Cookies are stored as long as you do not don’t delete them. This process allows us to recognize your browser on your next visit. 

If you do not wish to use cookies you can change the settings in your browser accordingly. You will then be notified whenever your browser attempts to create a cookie and you can decide whether you want to allow the cookie. However, please note that a deactivation of cookies may result in a limited user experience and you may not be able to use every function of our website.

Legal basis for the processing of data through cookies is Article 6 (1) lett. f GDPR. 

3. Contact form

If you fill out a contact form, send us an email or another form of electronic message, your data will only be used to process your inquiry and possible further questions you might have. 

Legal basis for the processing of your inquiry is Article 6 (1) lett. b GDPR.

We will delete your email address after completing your inquiry. 

III. Data security

We use a common encryption technology “[specify]in connection with the highest encryption levels that are supported by your browser. If a page on our website was/is being transmitted encrypted it is shown by the lock symbol in the address bar of your browser. 

Additionally, we use appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your data from accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or complete loss, destruction, or to prevent unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are continuously upgraded according to the latest technological developments. [Specify]